Thursday, April 26, 2012


Today has barely begun and already I'm kicking it's ass.

1. Today I had an appointment with a therapist to help me deal with some stuff. She suggested journaling. DUH, Audrey. I used to journal all the time as a kid/teen. I was pretty good at it, too. For years after writing something I would think back, fondly remembering how honest and poetic my writing was. I mean, just look at some of these excerpts I found. They cover a wide variety of topics, from friendship....

I'm pretty sure I included the description after the poem so my parents would know Sandi and I were just friends. 
I must admit, I almost convinced myself of my childhood bi-curious tendencies with that poem.

To TrUe LoVe...

Sad fact: Tommy West grew up to be hot. 

To teenage angst...

At that time I considered not being pregnant enough of a feat to deem me as "great."

2. On my way home from the doctor I passed by some intriguing real estate in an up and coming area. 

Upon further inspection I realized this gem is a goat farm! I could make my own goat cheese. Or, I could get those goats that faint when you charge at them. 


And I could look like this:

Why do I own a goat farm outfit??

And Jake could look like this:


And there's still plenty of day left. 

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