Tuesday, March 6, 2012

3.05.12 & 3.06.12

I'm out of town and can only update from my phone. That means NO pictures. And blogs and books without pictures are like a cranberry juice without vodka. NO, THANK YOU! I'll return to update on Friday- or sooner if I suddenly grow an ability for tech support. Of course, I'm always up to answer questions. Feel free to drop me a q in the comments section.


  1. Just a random lurker from the nest. Your blog is hilarious. I love it and would absolutely read this daily! :). You crack me up!!!

  2. Just wanted to let you know that you can add pics to posts from your smartphone via the Blogger app. It's pretty easy (i.e. we want funny pics now!)


  3. I miss you! I am so sorry for your loss! *HUGS*
