AAAAAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! What a glorious day may 3rd is- and it shall always be remembered as such. Or as the day I one-upped my former employer. I'll leave it at that. :)

1. I haven't been sleeping very well lately. Which is a far cry from where I was 6 months ago (I seriously wondered if I had narcolepsy or mono or something causing me to sleep like a drugged baby). But, today I got to take a nice little nap. And drool all over myself. It's like I finally relaxed enough to sleep and spew copious amounts of saliva onto myself. I really feel like it would've been difficult to produce that amount of spit if I actually tried.
2. Jake and I decided to celebrate by making a long awaited purchase!
This pool is 8 ft of pure bliss on a Texas afternoon.
I'm pretty sure this day is made out of angel tits and rainbows.
3. With my new-found confidence I decided to explore jobs in other areas. Ones that I'm not too experienced in. Like modeling! America's Next Top Model: Extreme Plus-Size Edition here I come!
Look at that smize!!!
4. Saturday we go to see my ALL TIME FAVORITE musician- TOM PETTY!!!! And, just in case you were wondering, this is what our teenage love-child would look like: